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Gig Pact

The gig pact is a smart-contract representation of a usual work contract. It can be used in scenarios where one party is the payer and the other party delivers some goods or services, while being paid in hours. The end to end lifecycle of the pact is captured through parameters of the gig pact, and a pactState parameter which can be seen as checpoints like "Employee has signed", the pact is "Active" or "Ended" etc.


In the Gig pact smart contract the following core parameters represent a pact at the time of creating it are stored

Parameter Description
pactName Represents a 32-character reference title for the pact, e.g, “Web design pact”
employee The account address of the employee/seller/service provider
employer The account address of the employer/buyer/payer
payAmount The amount to be paid in the pay cycle. To be represented in native digits of the currency, and not a floating point
payScheduleDays The pay cycle - the number of days the ⁠payAmount should be paid in
employeeSignDate The unix time in seconds at which the employee signed the pact
erc20TokenAddress Address of the external smart contract for the the paying currency. For instance if the paying currency is USDC, it should be the address of the USDC contract on the network that this pact is created in.


On the frontend, both the parties must sign the combined hash of these parameters, as an added proof of acknowledgement. The function to calculate the hash is present in the smart contract itself, to avoid confusion. This hash is pulled from the contract using a (view) call to the smart contracts contractDataHash function.

This signature should be verifiable both on and off the chain. In order to verify the signature, one has to generate the solidity hash of the parameters, by replicating the functionality present on the hash generating method. The original signer can use regenerate the ECDSA signature, and it will match

Pact's current status or state

The current status of the contract is represented by ⁠pactState variable stored along with the rest of the parameters. It can take the following values 

Parameter Description
DEPLOYED The pact has been created. By default all existing and future pacts are in this state.
RETRACTED The employer has retracted the pact and has collected a refund of the staked amount
EMPLOYER_SIGNED The employer has signed the contract first and staked the first pay amount into the pact. The pact can still be retracted after this.
EMPLOYEE_SIGNED The emloyee has signed the pact first. The pact cannot be retracted by the employer.
ALL_SIGNED Both the parties have signed the pact. The pact can now be started.
ACTIVE The pact has started and a clock to the assumed due pay will be calculated based on time elapsed since ACTIVE
PAUSED The pact has been paused by the employer. The clock for assumed work hours pauses when this is invoked
TERMINATED The employer has terminated the pact and got the refund of stakeAmount - paymentDue
RESIGNED The employee has invoked a termination on the pact
FNF_EMPLOYER The employer has sent the full and final settlement (zero or more) from their end indicating that all due payment is complete from their end
FNF_EMPLOYEE The employee has sent the full and final settlement from their end indicating that the employer doesn't owe them anything.
DISPUTED The employee has raised a dispute, along with a suggested amount that the employer presumably owes them.
ARBITRATED Both the parties have agreed on one or more third party wallet address to mark the dispute as resolved, after arbitrating
FNF_SETTLED Both the parties have sent their FnF settlement transactions, indicating nothing is owed to the any party
DISPUTE_RESOLVED The selected arbitrators on a disputed pact have unanimously marked the dispute on the pact as resolved
ENDED The pact lifecycle has ended and no more transactions can be made on it